A total of 475 individuals passed the Basic Competency on Local Treasury Examination (BCLTE) given by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) last 23 June 2019. The figure represents 16.48% of the 2,882 total examinees.
Garnering a rating of 91.14, Patrick Abinsay from Northern Mindanao led the new Local Treasurer eligibles.
The Local Treasurer Eligibility (LTE), the CSC said, is a second level eligibility appropriate for appointment only to Local Treasurer and Assistant Local Treasurer positions, and to positions under the Financial Services that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by Bar, Board or special laws.
The conduct of the LTE, the CSC added, is part of the Standardized Examination and Assessment for Local Treasury Service (SEAL) program being implemented by the Department of Finance to professionalize the ranks of local treasurers by improving their competencies, instill a culture of excellence in local treasury operations, and promote good local fiscal governance in the local government units.
Completing the top passers are: Rudolf Soliman Andallo (NCR), Christine Padil (Eastern Visayas), and Jeremy Bayan (Southern Tagalog) – 90.86; Hazel Jade Trajico (Southern Tagalog) – 90.00; Marjorie Manlegro (Northern Mindanao) – 89.43; Camille Vanessa Reyla (Central Luzon) – 88.86; Rosario Catugas (Ilocos region) – 88.57; and Arvin Philip Gotladera (NCR), and Kyne Mabugnon (Northern Mindanao) – 88.29.
Regional performance showed Central Visayas (Region VII) attaining the highest passing rate of 28.26% or 39 passers out of 138 examinees. NCR followed with 26.96% passing rate, representing 31 passers out of 115 examinees. Placing third was Bicol region (Region V), registering 36 passers out of 157 examinees or a 22.93% passing rate.
Other top performing regions of the country include: Ilocos region (Region I) – 22.12% passing rate; Southern Tagalog (Region IV) – 21.54%; and Central Luzon (Region III) – 20.98%. The BCLTE was conducted in 15 regions.
The CSC said examinees may generate their test result by 18 August, using the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS), which can be accessed through the CSC website, erpo.csc.gov.ph/ocsergs/. No examinee number is needed.
Those who passed, the CSC added, may claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional Office concerned by 4 September.
The complete list of passers of the 23 June, 2019 BCLTE may be accessed at the CSC website, www.csc.gov.ph/cseresult06232019/cseppt/.
Further, examinees are advised to access CSC Examination Advisory No. 11, s. 2019 through the link, www.csc.gov.ph/2014-02-21-08-28-23/pdf-files/category/1664-examadvisoryno11s2019.html. ###