
About the Anti-Red Tape Summit

The Anti-Red Tape (ART) Summit is the annual gathering of officials and employees assigned in the Anti-Red Tape Division (ARTD) in the Central Office and the Anti-Red Tape Units (ARTUs) in the Regional Offices.

The ART Summit builds upon CSC Resolution No. CSC Resolution No. 2301103 dated 24 November 2023 titled Guidelines on the Functions of the Civil Service Commission ARTD)/ARTUs under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11032 and its IRR.

The ART summit serves a dual purpose – capacity-building on current trends in anti-red tape and an avenue to streamline the strategic goals of the ARTD and ARTU, and align them with the overall thrust and direction of the CSC. 

The ART Summit features sessions on jurisprudence and CSC Decisions relating to R.A. No. 11032, updates on relevant policies and issuances of the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA), workshops on the functions of the ARTDs/ARTUs, and a sharing of best practices from agencies recognized for their anti-red tape efforts.

Themed One CSC, One Government Against Red Tape, the inaugural summit held in 2023 gathered the implementors of R.A. No. 11032 – the CSC, ARTA, Office of the Ombudsman, and the Department of Trade and Industry – and underscored the importance of collaboration amongst these agencies despite their different mandates under the law.