NELLY SIABABA AGGANGAN For her commitment in promoting biodiversity, developing significant technologies and breakthrough agricultural projects on biofertilizers and mycorrhizal inoculants which increased tolerance of plants to stress such as drought, high temperature and heavy metals. The biofertilizers reduced farmer dependence on chemical fertilizers and sped up the rehabilitation and greening of mined out and mine tailing areas, transforming these into vegetative land and mini-forests. She developed soil-based biofertilizers for fruit trees, agricultural crops, reforestation species and ornamentals which enhanced absorption of water and nutrients, improved soil properties, increased yield, and is highly applicable in organic farming. These technologies have been put into commercial use in the Philippines as well as in other countries. |
FLORDELIZA HIDALGO BORDEY For having improved the competitiveness and income of Filipino rice farmers through efficient and effective stewardship of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF). Under her stead, more than five million bags of certified seeds were distributed to over two million farmers in 57 provinces nationwide. This initiative contributed immensely to achieving record-high palay output at almost 19.3 million tons in 2020 and 2021 thus secured the country’s rice supply. Her holistic approach in creating an e competitive environment for farmers involve constructing dedicated processing and storage facility for nuclear and breeder seeds, strengthening farmers’ groups, providing extension services and enhancing the e-Binhi Padala, a digital seed distribution platform which allowed real time gathering of data on seed delivery and distribution. |
REY MANCERA CUEVA For his immense contribution in alleviating the plight of the rural poor in the province of Agusan del Norte. Having to trek for hours through hills and valleys, take risky habal- habal rides and face insurgents did not discourage him from going to areas deemed unreachable. He conscientiously made sure that the presence and support of the government is felt in peace-challenged villages by offering training and livelihood programs, enhancing food security through farm schools, introducing first aid and basic life-support modules, and promoting employment through the setting up of agri-tourism villages.
PGEN GUILLERMO LORENZO TOLENTINO ELEAZAR For his significant contribution in upgrading crime prevention capability. He championed the setting-up of the Integrated Command and Control Center (IC3) of the Anti-Cyber Crime Team which enhanced the communication system used in crime surveillance, prevention and solution, central emergency response, and data and information transmission to all police stations and operating units. As NCRPO chief, he is credited for averting the spread of COVID-19 during its first wave in March 2020 thru the effective implementation of varying degrees of community quarantines, providing strategic direction on border control to restrict unnecessary movement of people and ensure the safety of health workers and other essential personnel. |
ANGEL BALISI ENCARNACION For institutionalizing improvements in the fisheries sector through the design of postharvest facilities that comply with industry standards, follow food safety rules and reduce income loss of fisher folk. Despite budget limitations, he persevered and conducted research on alternative technologies and livelihood opportunities that include processing of seaweeds into noodles and chips, production of smoked eel and processing of oyster mushroom powder. His stock assessment study in Cagayan Valley is now widely used in formulating evidence-based policies and programs for the sustainable utilization, development, conservation, and management of fisheries and aquatic resources. |
DR. GERARDO DIZON LEGASPI For charting and carrying out a visionary course for the Philippine General Hospital as a premier institution for medical service, training and research. Significant initiatives during his watch include the computerization of UP-PGH systems, processes and services; establishment of the Pay Hospital, launching of the UP Varsity Wellness Program, completion of the UP-PGH Access Hub as a Center for Children with Disabilities and increased investment in research. His leadership and response to the pandemic is unparalleled as he remained at the frontline with PGH’s Crisis Team in protecting the welfare of medical and non-medical staff, delivering the highest level of service to reassure the public of the hospital’s unwavering commitment to quality care and to increase public confidence in vaccines. |
DR. ROSE MARIE ROSETE LIQUETE For providing hope and helping patients with end-stage organ failure regain quality of life through transplantation. As the first Filipino woman transplant surgeon, she pushed for the creation of satellite kidney centers in government and private hospitals, selflessly sharing her expertise and expanding learning opportunities for medical professionals on kidney and organ transplantation to ensure accessible renal care and to promote organ donation. She worked for the inclusion of transplantation and dialysis services in the country’s health insurance package to make renal care more affordable. As Executive Director of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute, she led initiatives to make the institution at par with global standards in terms of patient management, transplant success outcome, infrastructure requirements and logistical support. |
HOPE BEHIND BARS PROJECT For their display of compassion in action and for bringing hope to People Deprived of Liberty (PDL). The group’s in-prison skills development program gave the PDL purpose and direction as they were able to finish technical and vocational courses, engage in micro-entrepreneurship activities and be productive individuals even if behind bars. The project’s impact extends to life after jail as it has helped PDL gain self-confidence and boosted self-esteem as some of HOPE’s beneficiaries have landed decent jobs locally and abroad. The program’s viability has prompted the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology to replicate it in other jail facilities. |
OUTPATIENT DRUG TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION CENTER (ODTRC) For its diligence and commitment in waging the war against drugs through the efficient operation of the drug treatment facility, adopting a whole-of-government approach in pursuing its anti-drugs advocacy. The facility has assessed thousands of drug dependents on the severity of their substance dependence and provided them with appropriate interventions. Most of these drug dependents have graduated from the primary care program and have been given another chance to turn their life around. With the Center expanding its operations to cater to patients not only from the regions but also nearby provinces, it has served as the benchmark for effective drug treatment and rehabilitation. |
Dr. ESTER BATTAD FLORES For her significant contributions in the National Genetic Improvement Program (GIP) of Philippine riverine and swamp buffaloes through the establishment and implementation of a structured breeding program, establishment of a molecular genetic laboratory, and development of a genetic evaluation model for estimation of genetic parameters and breeding values. She is also a prime mover of the Central Animal Genetic Data Management Program which aims to create the institutional structure for the preservation of local livestock and poultry by developing a genetic testing protocol. |
CARMEL BONIFACIO GARCIA For her novel and creative ideas that helped boost the tourism industry of Catanduanes. She collaborated with different government agencies to improve access to tourist attractions, increase the number of accredited accommodations and develop water activities to make the island attractive to tourists. These initiatives yielded a multiplier effect on the province’s economic development, local products promotion, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, and employment generation opportunities for women, indigenous communities and young people. |
HADJURIA CORNELIO GONZALES For her significant role in giving due dignity to the Kagan Tribe with the establishment of the Kagan Tribal Council which fought to be recognized by the National Commission on Indigenous People as an indigenous group. As a result of the recognition, the Kagan people now enjoy access to basic social services that include free education and scholarships, exemption from certain employment requirements and participation in policy formulation. She is also instrumental in the social awakening of the Kagan people with her initiatives on gender equality and women empowerment, youth training and development, and livelihood generation. |
COVID-19 CRISIS MANAGEMENT TEAM For the team’s proactive and innovative response in providing medical services to COVID-19 patients. The team led the crafting of NKTI’s COVID-19 Manual of Operations which laid down necessary guidelines in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of infected patients. Emergency Room personnel were trained to strictly follow the protocols at every stage of patient care, leading to more accurate diagnosis, faster and more responsive patient care and response. These systematic approach enabled NKTI to accommodate all cases brought to them by other medical facilities. The team is also credited for administering Hemo Perfusion (HP) as treatment for patients with severe to critical COVID-19 with mortality rate and increased survival chances from 32% to 54%.
JOBSCOUTS: PATHFINDERS OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES For bridging the employment gap by providing needed guidance to job seekers through the Career Employability Skills and Assessment Test, career and employment coaching, and maintaining the Barangay Education and Employment Desk. With these interventions, placement rate of Tagumenyos’ increased from 75.84% in 2017 to 98.05% and 95.20% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Even with the continuing COVID-10 pandemic, the group was able to place 81.79% of the applicants in 2020. |
TECHNOLOGY COMMERCIALIZATION TEAM For significantly improving the knowledge management ecosystem of the country’s agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector thru technology transfer activities to higher education institutions, research and development facilities, and learning and development organizations. The team advocated Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and trained researchers and technology transfer officers from 51 SUCs and research institutions. As a result, 1,681 IP applications that include 204 patents, 608 utility models, 128 industrial designs, 90 trademarks, and 651 copyrights were filed in the last three years. The team’s efforts in innovation management jump started knowledge and technology transfer which is key to advancing the welfare of farmers, fisher folks, and small-scale entrepreneurs.
JOHN LAUMOC ALCAZARIN For his display of pagkabaeaka, an Akeanon word which means compassion in the discharge of his duties in protecting marine life. He initiated the establishment of the Numancia Agri-Fishery Conservation and Protection Unit to monitor aquatic resources, coastal areas, and shorelines; record species; identify protected areas for organisms and species to ensure continuous reproduction; and engage conservation groups and scientists for the preservation of aquatic life. He patrols and monitors the coastline and helped complete the mapping of the Numancia’s artificial reef. Despite meager resources, he led education campaigns for the preservation of sea turtles, dolphins, and whale sharks which has buoyed the municipality’s tourism industry especially when sightings of the said sea creatures became more frequent. |
ANTHONY DURANTE ATAS For exemplifying commitment to public service, efficiently performing varied roles and tasks over and beyond his post as Administrative Aide VI: repair and maintenance of office equipment and facilities, carpentry, plumbing, painting, driving, landscaping, electrical works, completion construction projects. With his multiple skills, COA Regional Office 1 was able to save substantial amount on labor costs, apart from having a reliable handyman always ready to attend to tasks even without additional compensation. During the pandemic, he helped ensure safety and protection, diligently sanitizing work stations and fabricating document receiving hubs. |
LUCIA JACINTA SANTIAGO BENTER For her responsiveness to the people of La Trinidad during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that the infection is well-managed and spread of the virus averted with the extensive swabbing and contact tracing activities she led. She was on-call to conduct swab tests both on the living and the dead, regardless of weather conditions and terrain and even during holidays and weekends. As the lone medical technologist of the municipality, she renders laboratory services, working extra hours and days without additional compensation. |
DON SEAN ARVIE VALENZUELA BUENCAMINO For his perseverance in developing information systems which greatly contributed to the efficiency in the delivery of services of ASCOT as an educational institution, generating savings in millions of pesos for the government. These systems include the ASCOT Human Resource Information System which systematically store, arrange, and generate employee information; the Online Entrance Examination System which enabled test administration thru mobile phone and computers; the Certificate Management System which generates and stores training certificates; and the Virtual Accreditation System which facilitates online accreditation of the program offerings of ASCOT. |
MA. THERESA HERMOSO CRISTE For her exemplary performance and immense contribution to the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the delivery of quality basic education for out-of-school children, youth, and adults. She pioneered projects such as the Municipal Summit, Mushroom Metamorphosis Garden, Barangay Radio Station, Ugnayang Barangay, Oplan Sagip Kalusugan, Projects e-LOADS, Tulong Gabay sa Guro at Paaralan Project, Project Kalinga, Barangayan sa Paaralan, and Stakeholders Day which actively engaged stakeholders and contributed to the betterment of the school and the community. |
Dr. JOSE JONAS DIÑO DEL ROSARIO For being a quintessential servant-leader in the span of his career as a cardiologist, researcher, teacher, mentor and administrator of the University of the PhilippinesPhilippine General Hospital. He revolutionized the practice and training of pediatric cardiology with pioneering interventional cardiac procedures which became a standard of care in the country. He introduced the non-surgical transcatheter treatment of congenital heart disease, allowing every Filipino, regardless of economic status, to avail of the procedure. COVID-19 presented substantial challenges in the delivery of surgical care to patients, but despite the risks, he continued to attend to infected patients and perform lifesaving cardiac procedures. |
SHERWYNE TUBAL MANLANGIT For the display of creativity to instill the love of learning to his students. As a mobile teacher, he served the farthest barangays of Bato which posted a notable number of dropouts due to the school's inaccessibility. Through innovative strategies, he was able to encourage students to go back to the classroom: Kabarangay Ko, Tatabangan Ko, which provided school supplies and learning materials essential to concrete experiential learning; Kumustahan sa Barangay, a consultative forum which improved the learning experience; Pa-training Mo, Para sa Kinabukasan Ko! a skills training program which improved competencies of the learners; and Radyo Edukasyon Ko, which uses two-way handheld radios for real-time student-teacher interaction. |
AQUILINO RONQUILLO MAPILI JR. For his perseverance and indomitable spirit in the delivery of civil registry services to the geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas in the municipality of San Jose. Unmindful of his personal disability, he initiated the Mobile Civil Registration System (MCRS) wherein Municipal Civil Registry staff went to remote areas, including those occupied by Indigenous People. Said initiative led to the registration of 4,646 IPs - Mangyans, Hanunuos, and Buhids who forego the registration of their children’s birth due to the dangerous eight-hour trek to the civil registry office. Having them registered is a critical step in the provision of social services to the IPs. |
MARKSON BOSQUILLOS MEJIA For resolutely carrying out ingenious ways to stir interest in Mathematics and for developing evidence-based educational innovations designed to improve numeracy and math literacy skills. Using gamification, digital exercises, math games and puzzles, strategic interventions such as the math facebook e-classroom and other practical application of arithmetic among students, he helped improve the rating of zero/nonnumerates in the Division of Sorsogon City for five consecutive years. He collaborated with private institutions to produce modules and diagnostic tests designed to improve learning styles. These initiatives have been adopted by the Schools Division of Masbate, Naga City, Iriga City, and Cavite and replicated in many more areas. |
ANALYN CLIMACO PEREZ For going beyond teaching in the four walls of the classroom, extending assistance to learners, their parents, and the community. She pushed for the conversion of the Dina-ut Primary to an elementary school, ensuring that all requirements are met - availability of classrooms, sufficient enrollees from kindergarten to Grade 6, and teaching staff. She partnered with government and private institutions for the construction of additional classrooms and a concrete bridge so that students may safely cross the river and reach their school. Through the Adopt-A-Child project which provided educational assistance to Indigenous People scholars, through Gulayan sa Paaralan which brought healthy greens to families’ tables, and through other feeding and nutrition activities, she was able to address the needs not only of students but of the community. |