General Functions:
- Provide direct training and personnel development interventions to all government officials and employees.
Specific Function:
- CSI provides competency-based training and development as well as best practices consulting services to all civil servants and government agencies- specifically focusing on HR/OD and Leadership Capacity Development, and Foundation Programs-to support them in their functions and in recognition of their ability to extend the work and mandate of CSI and ultimately influence the capabilities and capacities of civil servants.
- CSI also brokers competency development solutions by creating strategic partnerships and continuing engagement with thought leaders, learning process experts and talent managers across the bureaucracy, the academe and private organizations that help promote influx of new ideas and perspectives relevant to public service.
- CSI unifies public servant development by creating, managing and coordinating, as well as providing all these through deliberate approaches on research, knowledge management and learning technologies, and through key partnerships through out the bureaucracy and external stakeholders.
Approach Leadership.
- CSI understands how leadership will be instrumental to the vision of competent and credible civil servants. Its programs are designed to strengthen and deepen the leadership bench of the public sector, equipping both emerging and seasoned leaders with the requisite strategic mindset, competencies and character to meet the challenges of the bureaucracy today and beyond.
Human Resource/Organization Development.
- CSI believes that HROD specific to public service needs to be addressed significantly to support the Civil Service Commission in realizing its vision of becoming Asia/s leading Center of Excellence for Strategic Human Resource and Organizational Development. Human Resource in the public sector need specialized training and instruction, development resources, and depth of knowledge to focus on their respective government agencies from atrue public service perspective.
- CSI recognizes that an understanding of civil service and what a civil servant should be must be achieved in order to align the work and efforts of all government agencies. CSI will implement programs designed to immerse new entrants and incumbents to the basic tenets of public service focusing on values formation, competency development and knowledge of the bureaucracyenabling immediate contribution to the achievement of CSC Vision and Mission.