General Functions:
- Ensures the development of responsible public sector unionism and responsive management through an intensified education and information campaign;
- Evaluates applications for registration and accreditation to determine compliance with the requirements of Executive Order No. 180 and its Implementing Rules;
- Provides technical assistance towards an early conclusion of CNA between management and the union;
- Monitors the status of registered and accredited unions and compliance by management and accredited/recognized unions of CNA provision;
- Provides conciliation/mediation services at its own initiative or upon request of either management or employee union;
- Conducts research, evaluates existing policies to determine the need for amendments/enhancement and formulates new policies aimed at improving management-employee relations;
- Establishes linkages with agency members of the PSLMC, and other concerned agencies/institutions, i.e. DILG, HRMO; and
- Serves as Secretariat and Hearing Officer of PSLMC.
Specific Functions
- Evaluates applications for registration and accreditation of employee unions and applications for registration of CNAs, and recommends approval to the Commission for issuance of the corresponding certificates;
- Monitors status of registered and accredited unions, and compliance by management and accredited/recognized unions of CNA; and
- Updates database on personnel relations.
Specific Functions
- Provides conciliation/mediation services;
- Establishes linkages/networking with concerned agencies/institutions, i.e. DILG, HRMOs;
- Prepares designs and information materials on PSU for uniform implementation; and
- Enhances capability of regional personnel to provide technical assistance on PSU concerns.
Specific Functions
- Provides secretariat services to the PSLMC;
- Acts as Hearing Officer of cases filed before the Council and prepares resolution for approval/signature of the Council;
- Conducts research and develop policies arising from cases resolved by the Council’
- Strengthens coordination and partnership with agency members of the PSLMC;
- Evaluates existing policies on management-employee relations to determine the need for amendments/enhancement and proposed amendments, if necessary; and
- Develops policies aimed at improving management-employee relations.