The Integrated Records Management Office (IRMO) is the physical and electronic records management center of the Civil Service Commission.
General Functions:
IRMO is tasked to:
- Formulate and implement policies, standards and rules pertaining to management of civil service records such as personnel and examination records, particularly on their development, maintenance, security and control, retention and disposition, transmission, preservation and archive;
- Provide records storage and extension services that will ensure easy access to these records;
- Manage the flow of internal and external communication documents of the Commission;
- Administer and monitor computerized systems on records management control and extension services such as the Document Tracking and Management System (DTMS), the Database of Individuals Barred From Taking Civil Service Examinations and From Entering Government Service Information System (DIBAR-IS), and the CS Eligibility Database Information System (EDQIS); and
- Administer and maintain the library and museum services.
The RCAD formulates policies and rules on the management of civil service records, and monitors the implementation of these policies at the CSC central and regional level. It serves as repository of the Commission’s various non-current/inactive records. Specifically, the RCAD performs the following functions:
- implements and monitors policies, and rules on the security, proper safekeeping and management of civil service personnel records, examination records, and other vital civil service- related records of the Commission;
- administers records center operations;
- keeps and maintains a separate storage for the efficient management of permanent records, and preserves archival and historical documents of the Philippine civil service;
- creates and maintains databases of the frequently requested vital records for easy access and retrieval;
- administers the Records Disposition Program of civil service records;
- provides information reference and extension services for these records, and
- maintains the IRMO files and records.
The RCAD operates with two work sections, each in charge of two groups of records. These are the Personnel Records Section (PRS) and the Examination Records Section (ERS).
Personnel Records Section (PRS)
The PRS is responsible for the safekeeping of vital government personnel documents such as service cards (1914-1986), copies of appointments (1980-1989), CSC resolutions (1975-2005), and original copies of CSC issuances starting 1987. As specified in CSC MC No. 10, s. 2006, the PRS also keeps Statements of Assets, Liabilities, and Net worths starting 1997 of certain central officials and employees of departments, bureaus, and agencies of the national government including the judiciary and constitutional commissions and offices, as well as government-owned and controlled corporations and their subsidiaries, appointive officials and employees of the legislature, certain central officers below the rank of colonel or naval captain, as well as civilian-personnel of the AFP, and certain uniformed and non-uniformed central officials and employees of the PNP, BJMP and BFP. It provides prompt and efficient assistance to clients requesting authenticated or certified copies of these documents.
Examination Records Section (ERS)
The ERS is the central repository of all examination records such as master lists of civil service eligibles, picture seat plans of examinees, and other examination-related documents such as Chief and Supervising Examiners reports. The ERS is tasked to safeguard and preserve the integrity of civil service examinations through the proper safekeeping of examination results, examination ratings and the picture-seat plans. It provides prompt and efficient assistance to clients requesting certification and authenticated copies of civil service eligibilities.
The CMD is responsible for the tracking and monitoring of the movements of documents/ communication in the Commission from receipt to sending out final action taken therein by respective offices of the CSC. It is also responsible for the dissemination of CSC issuances, including those coming from the Office of the President and other government agencies. It also handles the build-up and maintenance of databases on administrative issuances, and Database of Individuals Barred from Taking Civil Service Examinations and from Entering Government Service Information System (DIBAR-IS), and the validation of eligibility data under special laws and other CSC issuances.
Flow of Communication
The CMD is the unit in charge of the management of the communication system of the Commission through efficient operation and maintenance of a computerized system called Document Tracking and Management System or “DTMS”. This system allows all the offices in the Commission to trace the location of documents and determine their status at any given time.
Incoming Communication
The incoming letter-requests and other forms of communication are received and recorded in the DTMS at the CMD. Generally, the encoded documents are forwarded to the Office of the Chair (OCH), with the corresponding document summary report, for assignment/distribution to action offices. Certain documents, however, are forwarded directly to action offices concerned. The Head of Office assigns the communication to an action officer who prepares a complete staff work (CSW). It is then reviewed, and its final copy signed by the head of office. The entire job must be completed within three working days. A duplicate copy of the CSW is kept for file or for future reference.
Outgoing Communication
The Action Office prepares its outgoing mails together with the transmittal list and forwards them to the CMD. It is the
responsibility of the action office to check the completeness of any outgoing communication including the signature and
necessary enclosures. The CMD dispatches the communication through the postal services, courier or personal delivery.
Dissemination of Issuance
All CSC issuances including those that come from the Office of the President and other government agencies are electronically
disseminated to all CSC central and regional offices including the public via the CSC website.
Build-up and Maintenance of the DIBAR-IS
Individuals who were dismissed from the government service and whose eligibilities were cancelled/revoked as reported by the
CSC Regional Offices and other government agencies are encoded in the DIBAR-IS.
Validation of Eligibility Data
The data of eligibilities granted under Special Laws and other CSC Issuances are validated first by the CMD before they are
uploaded to the server for verification.
- Design and develop applications/ information systems based on the needs of the Commission and as requested by the different offices;
- Review and enhance application systems;
- Prepare systems documentation and user’s manuals;
- Integrate related systems and databases;
- Develop and recommend appropriate IT policies, rules and regulations, plans and standards;
- Conduct assessment of hardware, software, network, operations and systems application;
- Coordinate development of all IT related activities in the Commission and ensure the implementation of an integrated IT development program and standards;
- Provide necessary IT interventions to help increase office staff efficiency and effectiveness;
- Upload data transmitted by offices;
- Administer and maintain the Commission’s IT facilities for the operation of the Data Center, and intranet/internet facilities;
- Perform other related functions
The LAMD manages the CSC Library which provides specific corners on various human resource mechanisms, areas and systems. Through its collection of books and other resource materials, the CSC Specialty Library renders information and research services to the Commission, and the general public. Specifically, the LAMD is tasked to:
- Provide library services;
- Build up and manage library collection materials relative to civil service and the various corners on HR areas, mechanisms and systems;
- Establish and maintain local and foreign network/linkages for the upgrading and improvement of library facilities, and for updating reading/reference material;
- Serve as official repository of the Philippine civil service enriching heritage, and showcase information materials / people of lasting interest and value;
- Take the lead in the study and preservation of the rich, historic development of the Philippine civil service; and
- Acquire, maintain and develop reference collection material regarding the evolution of the civil service including related work of arts.