

 SUBJECT : Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) in the Government to Improve the Traffic Situation in Metro Manila

In light of the current initiative of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority to improve the traffic situation in Metro Manila, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) extends its full support to the said initiative by encouraging all government agencies to adopt the Policies on FWAs in the Government as embodied under CSC Memorandum Circular No. 06, s. 2022 dated 06 June 2022.

The Policies on FWAs are established to institutionalize relevant and appropriate work arrangements for government officials and employees to ensure efficient and effective performance of governmental functions and delivery of public services, and to ensure protection of their health, safety, and welfare at all times. The adoption of FWAs will also allow government agencies to manage any current or emergent disruptive situations that may affect the delivery of public services by providing adaptable and responsive work schemes, safe work spaces, and enabling support mechanisms for government officials and employees.

Government agencies may adopt any of the following FWAs under CSC MC No. 06, s.2022:

A. Flexiplace – refers to an output-oriented work arrangement that authorizesgovernment officials or employees to render service at a location away fromtheir office, either in the home/residence of the official or employee, agencysatellite office, or another fixed place, on a temporary basis duly approvedby the head of office/agency.

Flexiplace work arrangements have three (3) types, namely:

1. Work from home (WFH) – is a work arrangement where the governmentofficials or employees work at home or their residence;

2. Work from satellite office – is a work arrangement where thegovernment officials or employees, instead of reporting to their office,report for work at their agency satellite office near their place of residence(e.g., central/other regional office/field office); and

3. Work from another fixed place – is a work arrangement where thegovernment officials and employees render service within thePhilippines, at a place conducive for productive work and efficientperformance of official duties and responsibilities, other than their homeor residence and satellite office.

B.  Compressed Workweek – refers to a work arrangement whereby the forty(40)hours workweek for five (5) days of the government officials oremployees is compressed to four (4) days or less, as may be applicable.

C. Skeleton Workforce – refers to a work arrangement where a minimumnumber of government officials or employees is required to man the office torender service when full staffing is not possible.

D. Work shifting – refers to a work arrangement applicable to offices/agenciesmandated by law to operate 24-hour continuous service delivery on a dailybasis, or to agencies required to observe workplace health and safetyprotocols. This is also applicable to occupational groups that providesecurity and safety to agency personnel and/or property.

E. Flexitime – refers to a work arrangement where the agency is allowed toadopt flexible time for its government officials and employees from 7:00 AMto 7:00 PM on a daily basis, provided that the required forty (40) hoursworkweek is complied with.

F. Combination of Flexible Work Arrangements – refers to a workarrangement whereby the agency may adopt a combination of any of theabove-mentioned flexible work arrangements appropriate or applicable to themandate/functions of the agency.

Agencies, however, are reminded to ensure that all their stakeholders are assured of continuous public service delivery from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, including lunch break, throughout the workweek.

Agencies shall also formulate internal guidelines on FWA, which include the tasks allowed to be accomplished outside the office, health and communication protocols, performance standards and monitoring mechanisms, and the provision of support mechanisms.

For information and guidance.

View full document here: Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) in the Government to Improve the Traffic Situation in Metro Manila