
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has set 13 schedules of the Computerized Career Service Examination (COMEX) for the first half of 2019.

There will be nine (9) examinations to be conducted at the CSC Central Office in Batasan Hills, Quezon City and four (4) exam schedules for the regional offices.

CSC COMEX is the computerized mode of administration of the Career Service Examination in addition to the traditional pen and paper test held twice a year.

The CSC Central Office will hold COMEX on January 29; February 12; March 26; April 23, 30; May 15, 21; and June 11 for professional level and on Feb. 19 for subprofessional level. For the CSC Regional Offices, the COMEX is set on April 11, May 9, and June 7 for professional level and on Feb. 21 for subprofessional level. Online reservation opens four (4) working days prior to the date of examination and starts at 10:00 a.m. for Central Office and 8:00 a.m. for Regional Offices.

The List of passers of the rescheduled Career Service Examination for Professional and Subprofessional levels conducted on Nov. 11, 2018 has been released and posted on the CSC website.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) clarified that the list only include the National Capital Region (NCR) and Morong, Rizal where examinations originally scheduled on Aug. 12, 2018 were suspended due to Habagat.

For the Professional level, 4,118 passed representing 10.84% of the 37,994 examinees. For the Subprofessional level, 865 or 11.53% passed the test out of 7,505 takers.


The Civil Service Commission (CSC) welcomed its new Commissioner, Atty. Aileen Lourdes A. Lizada. The welcome ceremony, held December 5, 2018, was witnessed by all CSC officials and employees at the CSC Resource Center, in Quezon City.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) announced recently that examinees who were not able to take the August 12, 2018 Career Service Examination, Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) from Regions I, III, IV (except Morong, Rizal), and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) will be allowed to take the March 17, 2019 CSE-PPT free of charge, upon request.

The consideration is in light of the torrential rains brought by southwest monsoon (Habagat) on said date (Aug. 12), bringing severe weather conditions that might have caused non-attendance for some examinees.

The CSC said that affected examinees will only be given one chance to take the examination free of charge, upon request. They are required to register at the CSC Regional Office (RO)/Field Office (FO) nearest them until January 16, 2019 only. Documents to be personally submitted by the examinee are 1) duly accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016); 2) four [4] pieces Passport sized I.D. pictures, with handwritten and handheld name tag and taken within three months prior to filing of application; 3) original and photocopy of any valid and existing I.D. cards; and 4) original and photocopy of Application Receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt for the August 12, 2018 CSE-PPT (if available).

The CSC does not prohibit the holding of Christmas parties as long as government agencies can assure continued delivery of efficient services.

“Christmas is the season of sharing and giving and I know that the best gift government workers can give to the transacting public is the provision of responsive, compassionate, and effective public service, not only for the holidays but throughout the year,” said CSC Chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) reminds government agencies nationwide, especially those in the frontline, to provide uninterrupted service amid the conduct of Christmas get-togethers and other similar year-end activities.

Agencies that render frontline services are encouraged to adopt appropriate working schedules and assign skeletal forces to ensure that all clients who are within their premises are attended to during office celebrations. # # #