A total of 64,635 examinees passed the Career Service written examinations conducted nationwide on 20 August 2023, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) said. The figure represents 18.72% of the 345,194 total examinees for the Professional and SubProfessional levels, up by 1.84% compared to the passing rate registered for the immediately preceding examinations held in March 2023.
Of the said number, 56,942 were successful examinees of the Professional level; the rest, at 7,693, were passers of the Sub-Professional test.
Patricia D. Victa from National Capital Region (NCR) topped the Professional level with a rating of 93.60, while Leonard Brian E. Nicolas also from NCR topped the SubProfessional level with a 90.83 rating.
As to regional performance, combined statistics would show the NCR grabbed the highest passing rate at 26.03% or 12,548 out of 48,203 examinees. Central Luzon followed suit as it posted a 22.50% passing rate covering 5,452 out of 24,231 examinees. Other regions with notable passing rate include: Cordillera Administrative Region (21.28%), Southern Tagalog (21.17%), Central Visayas (20.15%), and Ilocos Region (20.06%).
The successful examinees, according to the CSC, shall be conferred the corresponding Career Service Professional and SubProfessional eligibilities. The new SubProfessional eligibles are qualified to enter the first level of government service, while the Professional eligibles may join both the first and second levels, including executive/managerial positions in the second level.
The first level, the CSC explained, includes clerical, trades, crafts, and custodial service positions requiring less than four years of college studies. On the other hand, the second level covers professional, technical and scientific positions requiring at least four years of college studies.
The CSC, though, clarified that the Professional and SubProfessional eligibilities do not cover positions involving practice of profession which require appropriate licenses. Moreover, the CSC cited that, to be appointed in the government, the education, experience, training, and other competency requirements of the positions must also be met apart from the eligibility requirement.
Completing the list of top passers are:
For the Professional level —
- Mark Angelo R. Montero (Bicol Region) — 92.59;
- John Paulo M. Silvestre (NCR) — 92.50;
- Marc Zeus F. Flauta (Southern Tagalog) — 92.28;
- Thea A. Malificiar (NCR) — 92.26;
- Kristine Kaith M. Retoma (Cagayan Valley) — 92.23;
- Geri Taguian (Southern Tagalog) — 92.05;
- Louise Giselle C. Buguina (Cagayan Valley) — 92.03;
- Edsyl John A. Khu (Eastern Visayas) — 92.01;
- and Russel B. Dumpay (Southern Tagalog) — 92.00.
For the SubProfessional level -
- Dave C. Marinas (Cagayan Valley) — 90.26;
- Joanna Patricia P. Mangalino (Southern Tagalog) — 90.20;
- Camille Kristy P. Barrameda (Central Visayas) — 90.06;
- Xexer N. Llaneta, Jr. (NCR) — 90.00;
- Daniel Oliver O. Tondo (Bicol Region) — 89.98;
- Angelo Gabriel Nueva (Southern Tagalog) — 89.93;
- Angelo I. Dela Cruz (NCR) — 89.86;
- Gino J. Plantig (Southern Tagalog) — 89.63;
- and Sacha Mae DC. Abundo (Bicol Region) — 89.60.
The complete list of successful examinees of the 20 August 2023 Career Service Professional and SubProfessional examinations may be accessed at the CSC website https://csc.gov.ph Those who passed the examinations are advised to communicate with the CSC Regional Office concerned on the requirements and procedure in claiming their Certification of Eligibility (COE). Examinees, both passed and failed, may generate their individual rating through OCSERGS or Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System, which can also be accessed via the CSC Website.